Saturday, May 9, 2015

God's Gonna Make You Laugh: Understanding God's Timing for Your Life by Noel Jones

The message in this book is powerful and timely.One of our greatest emotional, spiritual, and mental needs, next to love, is the need for laughter. God wants us to live a joy-filled life. He has promised great blessings for us, more than we can imagine, but we need to wait for them because God's timing is perfect. This means actively waiting not passively waiting. The story of the five wise and five foolish virgins was mentioned. The five wise virgins were busy preparing while they were waiting and were allowed into the wedding supper. That is the same with us. We can't expect God's promises if we aren't going through the process of preparing for them. The process can be very difficult but it prepares us for the blessings God has promised. When we receive those promises we will be able to laugh. Laugh with delight that God's promises are true and that He is always faithful.

The story of Abraham and Sarah was also mentioned. They laughed to soon which was a laugh of disbelief when God told them that they were going to have a son in their old age. Thousands of years later the problems in the Middle East have stemmed from them trying to take matters into their own hands. How often do we mess up God's perfect plan for us when we lack the faith to believe that God will provide for us and keep His promises.

We need to be willing to get out of our comfort zone and be willing for whatever God asks of us. Sometimes what He requires doesn't make any sense but when we obey we we will receive a blessing. Some people misunderstand God's will for their lives. For example, person may think the only way to serve God is to be a minister of the gospel. That is not true. If God has asked you to do something else than you need to be obedient what He has told you to do.

God has chosen you. He will reveal Himself in His time. We need to hang out with people who have a positive influence in our lives; people who will encourage and believe in you. What we believe is what we will attract. Negative thinking produces negative results and positive thinking brings about bountiful rewards. It is dangerous to listen to the lies the enemy feeds us.

What God has promises He will perform. We just need to able to receive the blessings He has promised. If we are not ready to receive it He may pass it on to the next generation. God has promised outrageous blessings for us and our actions prove to Him whether we believe Him or not. It was humanly impossible for Abraham and Sarah to have a child in their old age but with God nothing is impossible. We too can have those amazing and incredible blessings and laugh with joy, delight, and amazement at what God has done. Timing is everything and with patience we will receive.

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